Hey all! We are inviting you into our lives during the quarantine! Depending on when you come across this post, this may make a lot or very little sense.
We have been self-isolating since early March. This has been in compliance with state orders and “suggestions” at the national level. This means a lot less shooting, and sadly, some wedding postponements.
If you know Ganer and I even just a little, you know that we are needy creative extroverts. We’ve been spinning ideas and projects like crazy. We’ve started a cooking series as well as taking our own lifestyle photos. This was a multi-day shoot that kept us a) busy and b) much reminded of how lucky we are to have our home.
I contemplated this being a “before and after” post, but that’s honestly a lot of work and not really the point. We’ve done a TON of improvement and investment into our property. It was formerly an under-loved frat party house. We’d find ourselves cleaning up old jello shots while trying to paint (at the light end) to dealing with severe water damage due in bathrooms where the vents were non-existent.
The idea of owning a home was a little much for me. It’s such a big investment and can be high risk when the economy is uncertain. I came into this house a bit of skepticism.
Now there is honestly so much heart in this place. I made every decision sentimentally. I wanted paint colors from the place we got married. I wanted our bedding to match lune (our cat). I wanted plants from the home of my childhood. I wanted every knick-knack to have a story behind it.
Every renovation we’ve done has required so much energy, sweat, and learning-while-doing. Owning this home has made me so impressed by how much WORK we are willing to do while ALSO working our butts off in our individual careers.
Related: we also reset all of our decor and furniture except one couch. That was exhausting and expensive, too. I think with the exception of our bedroom, I am suppppppperrrr done with that. The choices I’ve made are gonna need to be in fashion for basically forever.
Anyhow. We are inviting you into our now-normal. It consists of slow days of computer work, strolling the cat, going for walks, watering the lawn, cooking, and lots of sleep. Honestly if there’s something to enjoy right now, it’s our quality time and good health. It was nice to have a reason to get dressed up and to enjoy the beautiful weather and blooms.
Thank you for visiting. We miss you and are rooting for you. We will get through this. We will get through this together.

© Sur la Lune Photography
I loved this post when you originally posted, and I love it now! It’s lovely to see you both in your space and comfort zone. It makes me long for the days we’ll have our own home to add our special touches to and make our own. Your home is absolutely beautiful and I hope it’s brought you both so much peace and comfort during these crazy times.